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Due giorni di fotografia naturalistica immersi nella magica atmosfera invernale del Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso.
€ 199,00
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Il Parco nazionale Gran Paradiso si estende su 70.000 ettari di territorio d’alta montagna, tra gli 800 metri di fondovalle e i 4.061 metri del Gran Paradiso. Il parco di sviluppa in 4 vallate e occupando due regioni. Si tratta del parco nazionale più antico d’Italia, istituito il 3 dicembre del 1922.
Dal punto di vista naturalistico si tratta di uno dei parchi più interessanti d’Italia, con ben 68 specie di vertebrati di cui 52 mammiferi e 101 uccelli nidificanti. Tra questi il più significativo è senza dubbio lo stambecco, simbolo del parco, ma oltre a lui è possibile osservare anche il camoscio alpino, la volpe, la lepre variabile, l’ermellino e da pochi anni anche il lupo. Fra gli uccelli da sottolineare la presenza dell’aquila reale e del gipeto.
From a photographic point of view the park has no equal. The breathtaking environment, in full Alpine style, offers wonderful views and details. The great density of animals greatly stimulates photographic creativity, giving us the opportunity to experience truly unforgettable moments. In winter the park is completely covered in snow and ice. A silent and wild park that each of us should know.
Michele Bavassano
Jonathan Giovannini
Sharon Vanadia
Immerse yourself for four days in the nature photography of the Gran Paradiso National Park, surrounded by the magical winter atmosphere. We will explore the best areas of the park, looking for suggestive scenery and animals in the splendid snow-covered alpine valleys.
The park offers breathtaking environments ideal for photography, especially in winter, when it is possible to observe and immortalize numerous species including ibex, Alpine chamois, foxes, variable hares, golden eagles and bearded vultures. A professional photographer will be at your side, sharing technical and naturalistic experiences to optimize the use of equipment and improve your photographic skills.
Throughout the day, we will learn basic and advanced shooting techniques to achieve creative images. After sunset, we will analyze the day's shots and do post-production sessions to optimize the files.
The objective is to provide participants with knowledge of biology and photography, to practice this passion with respect for nature and with adequate technical skills to take excellent photos in any situation. It will be an intense and engaging experience, which will make you discover a new dimension of nature photography.
Le sessioni fotografiche si svolgeranno al mattino e al tramonto, principalmente con attività di fotografia itinerante. Esploreremo i luoghi più iconici del Parco, immergendoci in un’esperienza in armonia con la natura.
Le giornate intense ci terranno sul campo dall’alba al tramonto, con sessioni pratiche sulle tecniche di ripresa base ed avanzate per ottenere immagini creative e uniche. Ovviamente come in ogni workshop, dedicheremo una parte del workshop per svolgere una lezione di post-produzione completa, per ottimizzare ogni scatto dalla riduzione del rumore, gestione dei contrasti, colori e esportazione per la stampa e per il web.
In addition to capturing beautiful photographs and having an unforgettable experience, the focus of this workshop is to showcase the field approach of experienced professional photographers, revealing the secrets of stalking and wildlife photography.
Find out how the days will unfold and what activities make up the tour
– Appuntamento ore 10.00 nella struttura di riferimento.
– Short presentation and discussion, with projection on
basic techniques of nature photography and wildlife photography
park environments.
– Spostamento fino al tramonto verso Valsavaranche,
one of the main valleys of the Gran National Park
– Dinner based on typical products.
– Appointment at 07.30 for breakfast in the hotel.
– Spostamento in Val Nontey e partenza per
an excursion in search of the park's fauna.
– Ore 12.00 Pausa per pranzo al sacco (libero)
– Ore 13.30 Spostamento in Val di Rhem. Ripresa delle attività fotografiche fino al tramonto
– Dinner based on typical products.
Michele is a professional photographer and videomaker specializing in nature photography. Driven by a passion for wild nature, he has explored some of the most remote places on the planet, from the Amazon forests to the Himalayan peaks. His images capture the essence of extraordinary environments, telling stories of deep connection with nature. Author of the book *Wild Beauty. Dove l'uomo non c'è*, published by Mondadori Electa, celebrates ten years of adventures between photography and narration. Thanks to collaborations with Nikon Europa and brands such as Discovery, BBC and ENEL, his work is published in international magazines, conquering a global audience.
Graduated in computer engineering but his true passion has always been the mountains and photography. Over the years, his interest in exploring nature and capturing its beauty has transformed into a necessity. Always searching for the perfect moment, he strives to capture the magic of sunsets, wildlife encounters and the essence of the natural environment. He works as a professional photographer specializing in landscape and nature photography.
Born in Rome in 1994, she showed a strong sensitivity towards nature from a young age. Graduated in Biological Sciences and specialized in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management, she became a professional photographer. He leads nature workshops and tours around the world, combining his passion for biology with nature photography. With years of experience in the field, she is followed internationally for her work and dedication to nature conservation.
Signing up will be very simple!
Simply follow the booking procedure by clicking on "Book Now". Once you have entered your personal data, you will only be asked to pay a deposit, not the full price. At the end of the operation the registration will be confirmed. You will then receive a confirmation email once the procedure is completed. The balance will then be requested according to the terms reported at the top of the page, usually 60 days before departure.
As for dinner and overnight stay, we recommend the Hotel “Des Roses”.
The organizers will be able to book on your behalf in order to obtain a regulated price as a group and guarantee the
maximum convenience for carrying out the workshop. The price of the stay will be approximately €75/night per
persona in camera doppia con formula mezza pensione (pernottamento+colazione+un pasto, generalmente la cena); il pagamento potrà essere effettuato in struttura direttamente dal partecipante, allo scopo di garantire la massima trasparenza. Contatta gli organizzatori per maggiori informazioni
For this event we recommend a main lens of at least 300mm effective. Other than this, shorter lenses can be useful for wider images or landscapes. If you don't have a long lens, you can rent one during the registration process. Contact us for any need.
Layered clothing for temperatures ranging between -10° C and 15° C, boots, cape for
pioggia e neve, cavalletto, Raincover per la macchina fotografica e tappetino per sdraiarsi a terra. Occhiali da sole e crema protettiva. Le ciaspole e le racchette sono caldamente consigliate (noleggio disponibile).
By booking by paying the deposit to the organizers you accept the following clauses:
1. Since this is a pre-registration, the organizer will endeavor to promptly communicate any possible change in the price of the tour, characterized by cost fluctuations. An annual price fluctuation of around 5% is highly likely if booking is made more than one year in advance. in relation to potential changes in prices of ground services (for example changes influenced by fluctuating costs of electricity, fuel and more).
2. The price of the entire workshop will be paid via the payment methods offered by the organizer, such as bank transfer, PayPal, credit card or cash according to the procedures and deadlines established by the organizers, taking charge of the transaction costs.
3. In the event that the tour does not take place due to the organiser, the entire amount paid will be refunded.
4. In case of cancellation for personal reasons of any kind and in any case not dependent on the organizer, the deposit and any other registration fees will be retained as a reimbursement of expenses.
5. In case of cancellation for personal reasons within 60 days of departure, the entire balance of the tour will be required.
By registering, paying the deposit and sending your personal data you again accept clauses 1,2,3,4,5.
We will reply to you by email as soon as possible
VAT number: 01708500556
Address: Via G. Verdi 86 Castel Viscardo 05014
PEC: just.explorers@pec.it
+39 328 856 6896
JustExplorers – 2024
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